The problem is all inside your head she said to me,
The answer is easy if you take it logically,
I'd like to help you in your struggle to be free

Paul Simon

Follow me on Twitter @IC_Teaching

Thursday 19 June 2014

Digital Bloom's

I've had Bloom's taxonomy on my classroom wall for a while.  To be honest, it fills up a display board but I doubt very much that students look at it and I don't refer to it as often as I might - so I decided to give it a make over and make it more relevant to my subject which is Computing/ICT.

I decided that I would associate applications or websites with the different levels of the taxonomy.  It was easy to find websites concerned with Knowing - Wikipedia, BBC News, the Guardian, the Telegraph, Huffington Post - the list could go on.  Equally, it was easy to find applications that are designed to be used when the user is Creating: Adobe Flash or Photoshop, Scratch from MIT, any programming environment.  Again, the list could go on.  The levels in between were far harder to fill.

Perhaps this is a reflection of the subject.  Some of the thing that we do, particularly in ICT are at a fairly low level and others are at a very high level, with little to bridge the gap.  Maybe this is why some people regard ICT as a 'Micky Mouse' subject whereas Computing is often regarded as appealing to a niche and looked on as being inaccessible.  Perhaps this stems from the thinking required in these areas.  Having said that, some of the applications that I have mentioned as requiring high levels of thinking belong in the ICT domain, but most people will not encounter them.

Anyway, here is the finished product.  You could argue whether I have associated the correct applications to the correct level, but for the time being I am happy with it.

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